Friday, May 04, 2012


Beanie Bag Star
28.11.2006 - 3.5.2012

Fond Memories through these 5.5 years,
You have been beside me every night (except the ones when I was travelling),
You have travelled across the sea to Chiangmai and Perhentian,
I've hugged you and squeezed you to death all these nights,
Until ultimately you started losing your volume, your vitality,
I didn't even realize you were losing your 'life'
That you were 'bleeding' these past few nights
I had ignorantly brushed off those loose white foams across my body
Thinking where the hell they came from
Until yesterday
When I got ready to sleep and found you missing
And heard the terrible news from my mom
"I threw it away"
The shock, horror and sadness that filled my heart

In Memory of Beanie Bag Star
Your first public appearance
You will be missed...

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