Congratulations to Roger Federer and Good job! It is a fantastic start to the new year 2010, and we wish him all the best for the remaining of the year, with more Grand Slams to come!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Federer Clinches his 16th Grand Slam Title!
Congratulations to Roger Federer and Good job! It is a fantastic start to the new year 2010, and we wish him all the best for the remaining of the year, with more Grand Slams to come!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Australiogue - Epilogue The Final Chapter
Night scenery @ St Kilda's
Night scenery @ St Kilda's
Cute Fairy Penguin
I'm Too Sexy for This Car
Inside of the Library
This is a very furnie painting
After the exhibits, we went for a little afternoon tea or rather chocolate dose @ a chocolate cafe! Yum Yum.. The chocolate drink is actually quite good! ALthough it was abit too thick! My order was Spicy Hot Chocolate, v thick spanish hot chocolate drink with a tinge of spice. It was a nice counter balance to the sweetness of the chocolate, but the drink was abit too thick for my liking.. Had to pour water to dilute the taste.
The very very thick Hot Chocolate
Our most expensive dinner for the whole trip - Eggplant & pizza
Night scenery along Yarra River
Fa Lun Gong demonstration
Blob Fish.. How ugly
Spider ahead BEWARE
There were 4 main exhibits when we went - The Fossil (dinosaurs, animals & stuff), bugs, human life & aboriginal art! I think there was a 5th cos i rem seeing sth to do with Melbourne exhibits, but can't rem if it's part of another or one of its own..
Who the Hell wears such shoes?!?!
Me on the Moon
A Big Gold Nugget!!!
I'm a Size U!!
Do you know the answer to the remaining 2 spaces??
The ending figure. Believe me, it started with 31006
& so, after 12 days, 2,215km of car travel, here in ends my travel in Australia... My flight was rather uneventful, no shuai ge, no special encounters etc... By the time i arrived in Singapore, i was dead tired!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Australiogue - Chapter Four (3/01/2010; 5/01/2010 - 6/01/2010)
So there, after the breathtaking views & coastal area of GOR (not to forget the windy & cold weather), we headed out from our fanciest hotels ever (4 points @ Sheraton Geelong) through a 1hr drive to Queenscliff pier for the ferry across to Mornington! 1st time ever to drive onboard a ferry! I think both of us were affected by the cold, we made a couple of wulongs (mistakes) by parking at wrong plcs 2 times, b4 finally proceeding to juz drive through to the boarding area! Luckily we got there earlier if not we would have missed the ferry & will hv to wait another 1hr! At exactly 9am, the ferry moved & we were on our way to Mornington! We were contended to stay inside the ferry due to the ferocious wind outside, not a nice weather to be in the outdoors.

View from Arthur's Seat
The Seat! Nothing spectacular tho
We reached Arthur's Seat only to discover that the seat is juz a plain metal chair named after someone called Arthur. Hahah, but the view from there was great! Anyway, we loitered for a while, b4 proceeding to the next stop - Ashcombe Maze! Like I said b4, sometimes, u only realize u reached the destination after u passed it. Tt was wat happened to us, & we had to (once again) do a 3-point turn at a convenient plc to turn back!
There are 3 main mazes to be completed, and we spent quite some time trying to clear the 1st 2 mazes... Not easy ok! But we finally did it, although let's juz say we sorta cheated on the 2nd cos we cldnt find the exit, so we returned to the entrance to get out! Hahaha, too desperate! In the end, after we exited, we found the exit at the next corner. & Good news! The sky finally cleared & mighty SUN came out to play!!! At least we don't have to wonder ard the maze in the cold...
Maze 1, which direction to go??
Kangaroo Paws cos they look like Kangaroo's Paws! Haha
Barking Ben on the tree
@ Rose Garden

Last stop of the day - One Tree Hill, which we assumed was a hill with only 1 tree ontop (u know like the one in Auckland) but it's juz a hill, with lotsa trees, & no particular lookout point. I guess it's more for trekking then anything else. By the time we were done with Dandenong (after going the wrong way a couple of times) we finally left for dinner at some other far away place hahaha...
Yarra Valley 6/01/2010. Time for some booze! The day started with a drive to Bluehills with the weather being gloomy & kinda chilly! Our conclusion is that whenever we are to pick fruits, the weather will become cold for us! We paid AUD11/kg each to enter & start picking raspberry & blackberry! I like raspberry! We ended up with slightly more thatn 2kg in total, so had to pay extra! Kinda regretted it cos it was too much fruit to finish! Imagine >2kgs of berries!
Me with abt 2.5kg of berries!
After berries, it's time for some wine tasting tour at Domaine Chandon. It offers free (Yes u read it correct FREE) wine tour of the premise & the wine making process at scheduled timing (11am, 1pm and 3pm daily) Quite informative tour! Then after, free wine tasting of fixed menu, & u have to go from Champagne to White Wine to Red Wine. NEVER the other way round! Of cos, we only had a sip or 2. Drink, Don't Drive. Since we're driving, we cannot drink too much!
Another small 'incident' with the GPS along the way. Instead of leading us through the more direct way (as per the MAP and google MAP), it led us through to a dirt road which seemed to lead to nowhere or rather to a longer route... Morale of the story: Never trust ur GPS too much! SOmetimes, it's more accurate or easier to check the map (paper map) or google it ahead to check out your route and know where u'r going, rather than juz trust GPS blindly. At least i prefer to know where am I headed to...If anything goes wrong, at least I know where I'm stuck at! In any case, once we realized the GPS led us to 'Holland', we turned back, & went our own way (according to initial map analysis) which turned out to be much easier...
The famous Moet Chandon
We headed next to Yarra Valley Dairy, in hope of some interesting Cheese tasting At affordable prices or a tour of the premise, but were disappointed. The cheese platter was quite expensive & the place smell of animal dunk. Haha So our Yarra Valley tour ended with the fast stop at YV Dairy & we headed back home (or rather Clara's house) to rest for the night, not even bothering to go for Queen Victoria's Night market, which is on only during Summer every wednesday night.
Alrighty, next up, Epilogue. All you need to know about what we did in Melbourne City. Not necesarily all u need to know abt Melbourne City, cos we may not have explored all there is to it!