The last time I went Ubin was with my JC friends some 7-8 years bacK (may have been even earlier), definitely prior to 2005.
Organized by Kit, we (Lip, Jimmy, Kit & I) embarked on a journey to Ubin to do some adventure cycling!! Wow, how time has changed alot of things! THe Changi jetty is now so nicely furnished and built up! I remembered when I last went, u just hop onto the bumboat at the jetty which was just along the bridge/coast. Now it's a nicely built terminal!! And 2.50 per pax per way..
And Ubin itself has kinda upgraded and more developed, in the sense that more trails and routes are available now! It was rather crowded with people when we arrived. So Ubin cycling is still very much alive and hip! Even tourists go there to cycle!

Armed with just our bikes and no maps, we just ventured into Ubin, taking whatever path was ahead of us, led by Jimmy & Kit! Every now and then, we ventured into the dirt path. My 1st true experience of dirt/trail biking. FUn & interesting.
Apparently, this is the Durian season, so we were also trying our luck, hoping to find some durians FOC!

Unfortch, they were all up in the trees, and whatever has fallen has been eaten/taken by villagers or others in front of us.. So no lucky. Can only look but no taste..

I must say, Ubin is nice!!! THe views from the coastal area of Ubin is amazing!! Wow, even the trails are beautiful too! With coconut trees lining the path. You can even kayak along 1 part of the river!! Amazing!
Didn't go in Chek Jawa (Mangrove swamp) cos you can't cycle in and have to leave your bikes outside at the bike stand, and we didn't have locks. So the bikes being expensive, we didn't wana risk it! So next time, either bring a lock or just rent from the bike stores (cheapo bikes and almost e'ryone rents the same bike so lower change of being stolen) Been told that the best is bring booties to walk in the swamp, unless you want your sneakers to be drenched in mud...
I think the next time, when pple ask me where to go in Singapore, I'll suggest Ubin :) I think it's a great place for tourists to explore. Abit of adventure (biking) and scenery, and coastal area (you can dip in the water along the coastal beach at the jetty area). Some kampungs inside as well... Somehow, the Changi beach looked good from the bumboat view.
Only thing - Bum damn pain after 3+ hrs of cycling.....
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