This is how I look like now, when I smile/laugh.. Yes I've Got Braced! Surprised? A little maybe.. After procrastinating for 2years, I've finally decided "I'm going for it!" It's going to be a painful and ugly 1.5-2years before I can say "Adios" to these metallic chains of 'torture'. All these for the sake of beauty and vainity hahaha...
Of course, it's not just go to the dentist and get the braces fixed. There's the pre-examination, consultation, X-rays, extraction... The Xray process is damn high tech and cool! Standing there, eyes closed while the machine went 'The scanning process is about to start, please keep your eyes closed', then 'zinggggg hmmmmm', then 'the scanning process has completed, you may now open your eyes'
Then sat there while the dentist practiced his art of drawing by pointing here and there on my x-rayed set of teeth, and wala the final picture - Your teeth are protruding out by 3% off the average human being. Wow! Cheem... So that's how the conclusion came about to extract 4 teeth so that the upper teeth can be pushed back and align the teeth to close properly!

So anyway, it's been a painful week and a half for me. After extraction, couldn't eat for 2 days. After that, it was liquid food cos can't chew (the separators put in between the teeth were making my teeth damn painful). Then when the braces were put on, it was more pain as the teeth were 'pushed' in line. So now, I can't chew or bite cos even clamping onto a straw hurts my teeth (learnt that the hard way when I was drinking my banana milkshake) Ouch! So now, I can only suck and swallow, no touching of teeths against any object. Even biting banana (my favourite fruit) is a painful chore, such that I resort to eating banana with a fork or cut into tiny pieces to swallow. Been Surviving on a liquid/marsh diet, everything is blended for easy swallowing (potato puree, yam puree, pumpkin puree, broccoli puree, salmon puree etc etc)
Hopefully it gets better in a few days' time.... Damn I miss really eating fruits and veges... I miss my McVites' Digestive Biscuits...