After a break of almost 6 months, I'm on my way to obtain my Advanced Open Water Dive Certificate in Perhentian Islands!!!
Yes, Me n Tingmei decided to just do it 2 weeks prior to our departure. So we did a little research, booked our transport, called the dive center (Scubaholic) and went ahead with it.
Bus journey was long n tiring. Stupid bus broke down just 2hours into the ride and we had to wait for bloody 45 mins for another bus to pick us up. So sleepless night on the bus until the next morning when we reached Jerteh Terminal, where we waited for the bus to the jetty with a group of Malaysians. Then, it's a half hour boat ride to Coray Bay, where our destination is! Perhentian here we are!

Long beach

Me Under the coconut hut
Checked into our resort (fan-cooled n dusty) early in the morning and embarked on our journey. 1st off, to Long Beach for a walk, dip in the pool and some suntanning! It was a nice, sunny Thursday morning! After the visit, it was back to the dive shop to register our course. OUr instructor - Sebastian Ng! Some say he looks like Louis Koo (What do u think?) N Guess How old is he? He's only 26!!! Imagine, only 1 year my senior! More abt diving later cos the 1st day is just R&R.
Me n Sebastian (My Perhentian Husband)

Friends from Perhentian (Nik, Yenni, Carol, Angie, Sebast, Tingmei n Me)
Met Up with some of his other friends on the island - carol, Yenni and Angie. Chatted over dinner and headed off for drinks. TIng Mei fell sick after the dinner (due to heat stroke) and went off the bed earlier while we (Angie, Sebast n Me) Continued to chat. Tucked in to bed at 12am but had to wake up at 745am the next morning for my 1st dive!!
Poor Tingmei, fell sick, as such she had to abort the course. So it's down to only me alone taking the adv course with Sebastian. 1st dive was deep water diving, to about 23m. Wow. My descend was slow due to slow equalising and i was a little too heavy on the weights. But all else is good. Saw lotsa fishes ard n NO JELLYFISH!!! That's so damn important! Back to shore and more chatting session with Sebastian b4 the 2nd dive in the afternoon - Vietnamese Wreck.
Vietnamese Wreck = Lotsa jellyfish! Poor Sebast, had to keep saving me from jellyfish stings as there were juz too many for me to keep track. Haha...well what to do, that's the job of the instructor! To save his students! N he promised me that he would protect me from jellyfish. Great dive, tho visibility was poor. Saw baby sharks! 2nd break onshore b4 the highlight of the day - Night dive!
Night dive sounds scary because u'r diving in darkness, only a torchlight (which is not v bright). But the experience is quite interesting. Initially we were going to Sea Bell Rock, but it was swamped with jellyfish, so we changed to Romantic Beach. Not a bad choice ( I do not want to be stung). Saw plenty of fishes, prawn n crab! Scary at 1st but u'll get used to it. Night time activity - Chatting session with Carol, Yenni, Angie, Tingmei, Sebast! Sebast n Me Had special massage from Angie! It was great! Helped to relieve our muscle tension.
3 dives down, 2 more to go. The next day, dive number 4 was photography and there is just nth much to say about it. My underwater photography sucks and the place wasn't really that great. Saw lotsa nemos, stingray but other than that it was just sand. Last dive of the day was navigation and as usual nth much. I sucked at my triangle navigation and Sebast had to pull me back. Furnie thing was, i thot the tug was coral tangling my fins and i kicked it off until he pulled harder the 2nd time! Ha.. My fault. That marks the end of my Adv course! Now i'm a certified Adv O/W Diver! That calls for celebration which will happen later in the night! A furnie thing happened b4 our drinking session. This stupid german guy came to ask Sebast abt diving, and I just happened to be standing beside Sebast. So the german guy just turned and asked me 'R U his wife'? WTF!! Both of us nearly fainted! So being furnie, we admitted to the German guy (just for fun) and we just started calling each other 'Lao Gong' 'Lao Po' (Husband n wife) Haha crazy. This just goes to show when u go to an island, u can alwz do the craziest things!

Jamming session (with liquor n beers)
Yes, back to drinking session! 2 bottles of volka n cans of beers! We just drank, talked and had entertainment in the form of guitar and singing. N Yes, I got pretty drunk! Sebast had to carry me back to my room and watch me fall asleep. I totally cannot remember (Even to this day) what i told him on the way, n he din want to specify. So let's just forget about it!
The next day, woke up with a headache n terrible mood. But, still went for an afternoon dive! Luckily i went! We went to Sugar wreck n it was great! Lotsa interesting things to c! Different types of fish, sharks again, jellyfish of cos! After the dive, it was rest time, time for a nap! NO more drinking session tonight. Tingmei had to return to S'pore while i stayed on. Rain poured heavily at night and we had to seek shelter inside the dive shop until it stopped. N that's when i spotted this reali cute guy - tom cruise look alike! Reali cute!!! Too bad he has got a gf (n an ugly one) damn! Back to my room n more chatting with Sebast b4 going to bed.

Tom Cruise look alike
My last whole day in perhentian the next day. What to do? More diving of cos!! Went Sea Bell Rock again to try our luck and it was great! Great visibility, no current. The dive was fantastic! Saw many fishes, eels...No Jellyfish (important) N we stayed in the water for 61min!! The longest ever and still not low on air! By the time we surfaced, e'ryone was a little tired! But that's not the last dive! We went for another one at 4pm, to the Black Reef. Sounds interesting, and indeed it was an interesting n exciting dive!
Initially down in the water, still ok. Then it got worse. Visibility is just fucking poor! N ricky (one of the dive instructor) swims too fast. Almost lost him on several occassions. Current is also v strong, till a point where we had to grab onto sth to steady ourselfs. Halfway thr, our team of 5 split up. Me with philo (Ricky's gf) n ricky, while another team comprise of Sebast n Cindy. It was so hard to swim cos the current was quite strong. After a while, all 5 of us were reunited, only to be separated again a while later, this time with me, ricky n cindy in front. Cindy was low on air so she had to hurry to inform ricky and b4 i cld catch up with them, they were gone! Yes gone. OUt of sight. I just could not catch up cos the current was too strong to swim pass. N for a few mins, I was lost! Seriously lost cos there was noone in my vicinity, i had no idea where I was n i was low on air (<50 bar =" low" air =" 0">

Beautiful sunset

By Sebastian

Artistic shot of me (by Sebastian) I love this!
That evening, me n Sebast went to the tip of Coral Bay for the sunset. Really beautiful! Nothing happening for the night, cos the next day is a sad day for me. Time to say GoodBye to Perhentians.
The next morning, woke up with stomachache. Went to the toilet twice! Must have been the sotong I ate the other night. Spent the whole morning just lazing ard, dipping in the pool n doing nth! Left Perhentian at 4pm with Philo for my journey back home!
The minute i reach S'pore the next morning, diarhorrea sets in. For the whole day, toilet was my best friend and I lost 2kg in just 1 day! What a way to lose weight!
I love Perhentian and I would definitely go back again. N I was told I looked like GiGi Leung (HK singer). Hahah. I hv no comments, no1 has ever told me that b4, except happy la hahahah
Wow I managed to surmarise the long trip (6D5N) to such a short para... So proud of myself!
Oh, N Sebast has managed to convince me to get a tatoo at my lower back. Yes, below the waist, just abv the butt. Sexy place! N he drew a pict for me to tatoo. Crazy me, promised him i'll do it and use his picture and to get it done b4 i go back for another visit this year. Ok So i really have to do it now! ahahahahha...Things pple do when they'r on an island.
More pictures at Perhantian Dive Trip 2007