10years ago (i think abt tat many years), a bunch of us innocent, wide-eyed girls in nurse-like uniforms headed to the cinema eagerly in anticipation of dear Julia Roberts' come-back movie of the year - My Best Friend's Wedding! N we emerged wide-grinned and happy, gushing abt how romantic and wonderful the film was, how cute the songs r, and the feeling of marrying off ur best friend, that muz be fantastic! Of cos, then we were still the nubile freshies, juz started our teenage years in Secondary School... Who would have though that 10 years down the road, all of us have grown up into mature young ladies, full of confidence, career and changed mentality. N on the course of the morphing, some nice lads entered into some of our lives, and eventually led to our own - My Best Friend's Wedding!!!
1mth 1day ago, one of my best friend - Seowling, got married, the 1st in our group! Of cos All of us were so excited and gancheong for her!! 1st of our group, we did our best to assist her in the preparation and almost got ourselves gancheong as well, cos well for those who know her, she's so damn laidback n nonchalant that sometimes u juz feel nervous for her!!! But well, alls well ends well! Eventually, after several hiccups, nervous planning and such, the wedding was smoothly held on Sept 6 2008!
Cindy n I were chosen to be her entourage (aka jie mei). But well, there was no sabotaging of the groom n such, so we were there juz to accompany her, support her n psyche her up! UP early in the morning at 630am, we proceeded to her house by 7am to witness the transformation from plain Seowling to the bride to be. Now I know how tiring it is for the bride! The whole transformation took almost 2hrs!!! From basic makeup to more makeup to final touch up, then hairdo n change of clothes, wa biangz, so damn tiring! N All these juz for a day's worth of being a bride!! What a price to pay!
In the process of transformation
Us with corsages!! Nice NIce
N of cos, photogs n videographers ard, hunting ur e'ry move, n capturing ur e'ry moment! N Not to forget, posing n acting for the camera! Yes, all those photos u see, alot of them r deliberately posed for the effect..so tiring! N this photog ALWAYS request for at least 2 versions of poses - Normal, and Happy version, Happy version being cutesy with the 'V' sign. So Duh! So thr'out the day, we'll hear 开心版,开心版. Aiyoyo! Then the videographer, alwz gota wait for him to be in position b4 carrying out certain actions so that he can CAPTURE THE MOMENT!! hahaha
More Happy version with the bride!!
Oh, we left our heartfelt messages on the video, hope Seow gets to watch it!! Haha, wonder how we look and sound on tv man.. I think it'll b terrible, like so unnatural hahah...
Then it was off to church (ok we were late for 1hr hahaha), n the church procession blah blah (sorie, not christian, so it was rather boring for me, but hey have to respect them).. Then lunch reception n tea ceremony. Not to forget the throwing of the bouquet!!! Of cos NO ONE wants to catch it!! Yes, those movies r FAKE!!! Where got pple so enthu abt catching the flower, we NEVER see that happening!! Haha, e'ryone juz stood there for the effect but NO ONE wanted to touch it!!! So whole thing is a set up!! Haha, obviously the one person who will be getting married is tasked with catching the flower!! N tat's DANLIN!! Hehe...
Group Photo Happy version
After 1 whole morning of marriage stuff, it's time for us to take a break n head back to home for a short nappy b4 the dinner begins! Yes, dinner is when I"LL SHINE!!! Haha cos i'm the selected Emcee for the event! Yes, my 1st time is given to Ah SEow! For the benefit of her wedding!! kkeke..
Had to be at the hotel by 6pm for the briefing and testing of the mikes n stuff. Again, ah seow has to prep for the make up n stuff, looking ever so damn tired. Really so tiring to be a bride man! I hope i don hv to go thr all those in future keke...
My partner is Song tai, whom some of our grp says bare a close resemblance to our dear Ryan.. Maybe he's there to remind us of Ryan's absence hahaha...
It's also nice to see all our grp of frens again, aft quite a long time... Our table was the loudest n craziest of the night man hahaha... N of cos, alot of camwhoring happening with 4-5 cameras whipping out at the same time, taking loads of photos with different crazy poses (like the 1-7 poses, or Happy version) N of the food n cheers!
Wedding gifts, each gets 1 only, not a set!!
Our table minus Cindy
Start of camwhoring! OUr table
Back to my 1st time, being an emcee can b quite daunting, what with all those lengthy scripts n words to read out, but once u'r up there, it juz seems like normal. Of cos, scripts r hand written and of cos, alot of times, I skipped a whole chunk of words ahahaha... We'r not the star of the night!! WE juz facilitate the entrance of the couple n the smooth running of the whole event! I think i did quite an ok job, of cos with loads of room for improvements! FYI, i was the Chinese Emcee. Ok, any other weddings requiring emcee? I MAY offer my service depending on our relationship n monetary rewards!! Hahah
My emcee Song tai n Me
Walking down the aisle. Splendid in REd!!!
Cin n I with our bear bear
Cin, JJ n ME. It's JJ Tan not JJ Lin
Cin, qiuping n ME
Tho tired, but ah seow looked splendid thr'out!! Haha, now we all know that she's blessed with a good figure ok (有料之人) haha... Yes, cindy was talking abt it ever since the wedding photoshoot! Ya she's juz jealous wahahhaha!!!
Show ur bear!! Table photo with the couple!
Me n bride. FYI, this dress is tailor-made in China!!! I thought of Seow's wedding whn i made it
N the night ended at the stroke of 11pm. WEnt home, washed up, slept and the next morning I had to fly to Sydney for my work! Hahah Xiong ar!! While our dear Ah Seow zipped of to her 1mth long honeymoon in Europe 2days later..So Shiok!!!
Oh shit, forgot to mention, the groom is Aloysius Low, but we call him Aloy haha.. So here's to the married couple Mr n Mrs Low, happy marriage, and procreate soon!!! Hahah
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