Mr Anthony Toh and our dear Christine Tan Qinyi finally become formally unified and declared husband and wife on 4th Dec 2008. & It just so happened to be QIn's birthday!! Quoting from the husband Mr Toh (aka Congming. FYI cos he looks like tat person from the Taiwanese group Tension from eon years ago), 7years ago, boy met girl. Boy told girl, boy will marry girl when girl turns 26! & Walau 7 yrs later, on the day girl turned 26, they got married!!! Hahah sounds so sweet rite!
The night begun at 630pm for the solemnization when they became legally married in the eyes of the law.
After which dinner commenced at roughly 820pm (or so i presumed). They had an army march in (so cool!!) but no fire engine in sight hahaha (congming is fireman). & as usual, time to play some 'Say Cheese' games to the camera!

Happy version with the bride!!!
8 courses & 3hrs later, the dinner ended. Stomach full & bloated, we walked outa the ballroom & back home to our lovely beds! So happy for them! Qin looked splendid tat night!
The wedding flavour! Same as Seowling's so now i have a pair!! (Tho diff type)
Me & Cindy
Cindy with JJ & Alvin. NO IDEA what the HECK alv was trying to do man
Table photo!!
Table photo with the couple!
The lovely couple is flying (or oredi in air??) to Europe for their month long honeymoon, covering Italy, France & Spain! So envious 1mth holiday!! Shiok ar!
I want to go on my HOLIDAY!!!!!
p/s: Does eating dried apricots lead to LS, or is it just a natural cleansing & detoxfying process tat so conviently coincides with the ingestion of dried apricots?
pp/ss: Madrid next Jan for conference! WoooHooo!!! Going to extend 1 more wk to visit the city of Barcelona & Madrid & meet up with frens!!
ppp/sss: Hey I'm updating my blog more often now!!! Hmm mayb the fire of writing has been re-ignited!
pppp/ssss: SOmeone finally had the courage to tender! Hope it is for real. To tat someone: DO NOT WAIVER AGAIN!!!!!
ppppp/sssss: I did 90% of my 'NEEDS' list!!! Still need to buy sports shoes (ok deciding b/n sports shoes or trekking shoes now), nice sandals (may defer), extendable trek pants tat can become long or short with zippers (ok i dono how to call it formally)
i appeared in ur blog!!! i supposed the "pppp/ssss" is refering to me haha...ya, i have made my final decision...really have mixed feeling man, but ya, wont waiver again le =)
n gd tt u are updating ur blog more least i got sth to entertain me hahaha
Haha yea, I give recognition to pple I have impact on in my life.. Wah u leave comment leh, so happy!! LEave more ok.. Yes, I update my blog more freq now, cos i LISTEN to my readers!!
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