Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"Meat" Salad
Warning: Do not view this after a full meal! Oops, did you just do that?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Diagnosis of my persistently swollen 3rd Toe (Right foot)
If you remember, I mentioned my swollen toe in my earlier blogs of travelling in US and Paris where I travelled and walked for hours since Dec 2010 with a swollen toe, the result after a run on the treadmill one fine night in Charlotte hotel. So u can fracture your toe while running! And I didnt even run like a cheetah or hit a wall!
I had put off seeing a doc during my travels, thinking that it might just be a normal sprain. But it didnt wear off after 1mth, so I went to see a doc the day I returned. And what a gondo doc I saw! He didnt seem v professional, and he was tardy looking, and looked like he didnt sleep the night b4. So he was quite sloppy and shoddy in his diagnosis:
Me: So what is wrong?
Thanks Doc! I also know!! I self medicated myself before seeing you!!! U knw they have been complaining abt the standard of medical care in US, i think sometimes, the docs need to improve their service in Singapore also. I've met a couple of docs who are just as nonchalant as this one, esp those who work for group medical care centres, like they're just counting down to the number of patients they have...
But anyway, I took the medicine (pain killer and anti swelling) and refrained from excessive exercise. But seems like still swollen and abit pain. So I decided to consult another doc, my usual doc near my coy. Turned out my fav doc was not ard, so an ah pek doc saw me and recommended xray. I was shocked but he said better to xray to find out the cause. So i went for it. And tada! Recovering fracture. Thankfully it's recovering! But it's scary that I have a fracture! And I walked miles and miles and hours and hours with it!!! Haven received the actual Xray film yet, but the report was out, so now waiting to see how the fracture actually looks like to classify as 'Recovering'.
Feel abit less worried now that I know what's wrong, but damn sad that it's really a fracture!!! Now gota rest a few more mths for it to fully recover....
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Famous Choc Chip Cookies Diary
It all started with an email from an old friend titled 'Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies', which described the recipe as THE RECIPE for Famous Amos Choc Chip Cookies! Knowing that I'm an avid baker, my friend emailed me the recipe and I decided to give it a try! Turned out, it's actually delicious!! But of cos, Famous Amos had come out to deny the authenticity of the recipe. But who cares! It tastes great! So from then on, it's become a tradition for me to bake this recipe once a year (only once, cos it's a time-consuming, back hurting exercise), and normally for Xmas or latest New Year.
No, i'm not selling the cookies. I give them out to those lucky few (you know who you are) and these cookies have been tried and tested and praised over the years (>6yrs and counting). There are even those who requested for more after 1st round, but sorry, supply is limited, one person gets only 1!
This year, or rather last year, due to my travelling, I was not at home to bake them for Xmas, or even New Year. And I thot that I would NOT bake them at all, but suddenly i thot - "Hey, Y break the tradition?" And since Chinese new year is coming, might as well bake them for that occassion! So after shopping for the ingredients, I set out to work...
Gathering the ingredients, I decided to only bake half portion of original recipe (which is what I normally do) cos the full recipe will take me like AGES!! Too tired to pull the entire recipe, you'll know how tiring it is to actually complete just half a portion
The ingredients - Flour,oatmeal,choc,chips,butter,sugar,eggs,vanilla essence + most important =Perserverance
So all you gota do is cream the wet ingredients, add the dry ingredients and wala!
So who gets these lovely cookies?? Heheheheheheh
Friday, January 14, 2011
I'm A Saggi I'm A Saggi I'm A Saggi..Regardless of what they say
Have you guys read this ridiculous article? Summarize the main points:
"...At least one astronomer claims that individuals' astrological signs may be different than previously thought because of changes in Earth's alignment..."
"...Star doctors now say that one's Zodiac sign must be reconfigured given the change in the Earth's location..."
"...The changes mean people's signs may be off by about a month (check below for your — possibly — new sign). Plus, there may be a thirteenth Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus...."
How crazy is that! And you wana know the new alignment??
Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18- May 13
Taurus: May 13- June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20
What the hell is Ophiuchus? The name itself is hideous. Ok it has another name "Serpentarius" but still doesnt sound great. Apparently, this is the sign for Ophiuchus:
Ok, who would want to be born in that zodiac sign? How fugly and unimaginative is the sign? It actually looks like those buddhist talisman.
That's beside the point, luckily my supposedly new zodiac is not this. But, I've suddenly become Scorpio!!! What the F***! NO way man, i was born a saggi, lived as a saggi and will CONTINUE as a saggi! What is a scorpio? Man, I don't fit into that! And it's pathetic that a scorpio has only 7 days! Whatever is said, I'm a SAGGITARIUS!! True Blue Saggi! So very saggi! I'm a FIRE sign! Yes I have the fire in me :)
Anyway, this debate is not going to last. Who will suddenly accept this new fact after like eon years!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bonjour Paris
The day ended ard 4pm, and I set out back to hostel for some rest. Damn jet lag, it makes you really really tired but hard to sleep! I passed out literally at 8pm, and slept through my roomie entering! But good things nvr seem to last. I found myself awake suddenly at 2am, and didnt fall back to sleep until like 5am. Then it was restless sleep until 8am, and finally pushed myself off the bed at 930am.
Then it was off to wonder Latin Quarter! Nice little part of Paris! Lots of eateries and interesting cafes...
Stopping for a bite of Cheese Crepe, a very popular snack in Paris! It's HUGE and very filling! I was totally full halfway through my piece! But delicious!
Jet lag kicked in again, rendering me almost zombie-like by 1pm.. So I headed back to hostel and had a long, good nap of 2.5hrs! It was refreshing to wake up after a good nap! After a shower, it was off to the kitchen for some food and internet!
Coincidentally there was a group of hostelites drinking and chatting at one corner, and I just invited myself to join the party! Hey it was New Year's Eve! A Party is always welcomed!
As time passed and neared the 12hour mark, we decided to head to Sacre Coeur for the countdown! FYI, there used to be fireworks @ Eiffel Tower to celebrate the New Year, but they cancelled it this year due to security and safety issue. Apparently, pple were hurt maybe due to crowding or stampede!
So with 30mins to spare we made our way up Sacre Coeur and managed to find a great spot to overlook the city, surrounded by equally high and energetic Parisians, tourists! At this point in time, all the jet lag just miraculously melted away! I was super HIGH!!
Niagara Falls and My Eventful End to US Trip
The American side had more attraction stops compared to Canadian side, and you get to go on the gorge walk (reduced version) where you can see Canadian side & the Bridal Veils, which is AWESOME!!!!! The park is open 24/7, however attractions follow opening times. So best advise is to visit all the attractions 1st, then take your time to explore and admire the park views. Also, the tram is FOC and it takes you around the park. So if you're lazy, hop on it! I just walked my way around. Too bad the observatory tower was closed due to weather, but it's also FOC if it were open! I think probably only so during winter...
The gorge walk was fantastic!! Especially the Bridal Veils cos during winter you see those ice formations and they add a different take to Niagara Falls!! Really beautiful!
Of cos, after much walking, time to some food and during Xmas eve, it's not the easiest time to find eatery open! I stopped by Denny's for late lunch cum dinner and waited for evening to come where Niagara Falls come to live!! The Illumination. I was still @ America side as I wanted to view the night scenery from both sides, and it's very troublesome to keep crossing here and there (crossing the custom is a chore, so once is tiring enough!) While waiting, I stopped by the casino and promptly lost USD20 playing the slot machines. Actually, I had no idea what I was playing, just put $$, and press. I think i won like $10 but lost them back. Anyway it was no fun! I thought Beginner's Luck would bestow upon me but alas, that is only a myth! Damn it!
Soon after, I made my way across the Rainbow bridge and onto Canada! As it was still early (my bus was past midnight) i decided to rest abit, have a cup of hot choco @ starbucks and wait for later when fireworks begin (9pm).
Fun fact (at least i find it fun): U have to change your USD to Canadian $$ for most shops, but of cos some accept USD, but they return Canadian to you, and you CANNOT change back to USD. However, there is no exchange difference between the two!! At 1st, i thought there is, so when I wanted to change, i asked 'What's the exchange rate', no answer. I just got back the change without inspecting. Then after a few payments, I realized 'Hey it's weird that they don't ask how much when I pay in USD and just accept!' Then I realized, duh there's no difference between the 2 currencies!! So what's the point!! They even look alike! Just trying to make your life more difficult!
So after a cuppa, I made my way to Horsehoe Falls close to 9pm and started taking photos of the illumination! The colours looked prettier at the Canadian side, with Orange, Green, Blue and Purple (My favourite!!)
People were starting to gather, and by 9pm, crowds were gathering, waiting for the fireworks! Yes, I had stayed late because I wanted to see the fireworks! A few mins after 9pm, it just started 'Boom' 'Boom'... After like 10-15mins, it stopped just as suddenly as it started... Some pple complained that it was too short but it was alright..
Crowd started to dissipate after the fireworks, and I felt empty after that cos I had nth to do, and my bus was like 3hrs away... Not hungry, so nth bter to do than to walk back to the bus station and wait... Apparently, it's much more happening @ the Canadian side as compared to American Side. It was like a dead town over US side, but all shops, restaurants were in full force and pple were out over @ Canadian side! The casino also looked classier...
Thinking that I can finally get some warmth (it was getting cold at night) sheltering at the bus station, I walked briskly... But!!! The bus station closed at 1030pm, and they just chased us out in the cold to wait for our bus!! Yes, those heartless pple!! They didnt care abt us at all! A bunch of us had no other choice but to sit out in the cold (extreme cold!) and wait for 3hrs!!!
The 1st 1hr was not too bad, I occupied myself watching movie on my HP, but my HP died on me soon, and i was left freezing in the cold and counting down to my bus arrival... We all were freezing terribly! The wind just cut through your skin! Even with all those layers of protection!! You just wanted to DIE!!!!! Finally when the bus came, it was like striking the TOTO!! Finally warmth!! However, it could be the extreme hours we spent in the cold but it felt like eternal coldness in the bus that refuses to thaw away.......
Anyhow, after another tortuorous 12hrs bus ride, it was back to NYC!! Where i finally get a nice bed and room to rest & recharge! It was a great feeling to be back to sleep... Before my s'posed flight to paris the next day...
However, good fortunes do not last long!! The next day, thanks to warning by my colleague, I went to check my flight status (even though it was 'On Schedule' just the night before) and was SHOCKED (yes i was truly shocked) to find 'cancelled' without any notice or email warning from the airline! I was stunned and didnt know what to do in like 5mins...Thinking through my brain what was going on! Apparently, a snow storm was approaching and the airport is closing at 3pm! So with my fastest speed ever, I poured everything into my suitcases (luckily i sorta packed most of the things the night b4) dressed up and rushed to the airport with my bags hoping for a miracle!
Alas, a miracle was not to be had! The line for re-accomodation was hellishly long!! After an almost 3hours wait, I was finally @ the counter and got my next available flight - 2 days later! Damn it! Totally ruined my Paris plan! Now only down to 2.5 days in Paris! I was comtemplating whether to extend or not, but decided against it cos the result of extending my NY stay ended up with delayed flight, and I was afraid the bad karma will continue should I decide to extend.. So hey 1 more extra day in NYC, although not much could be done as weather wreaked havoc throughout NY, and sorta crippled the Transport system...
Bravely, I decided to venture out to Manhattan the next day, seeing that the morning sky was clear and bright. Transport was madness as trains were delayed, and no buses in operation, but I still managed to get into Manhattan to witness the tremendous pile of snow on the sidewalks, and experience the mighty push of the wind! I was almost knocked off by the wind! But it was a good day for shopping and great bargains await (post-Xmas sale). Greedily after purchases from H&M, i walked over to Macy's hoping for more bargains instead of following my instinct to head back to the hotel. THis proved a deathly MISTAKE!!! Just cos of my 30min tour of Macy's (with nth to buy), I boarded THE TRAIN that would make the day a bad one! The train got stuck soon after it departed NYC, due to faulty train ahead. After 1hr wait in the train, it was discovered that power failure prevented trains from crossing over to Newark & we had to turn back. I was just totally shocked and in a mess! What was I to do in a foreign city with no means of getting home! Then all other trains were delayed. Communication was scarce, and noone was there to help stranded passengers! Some people pointed to PATH (another means of tpt) to get to Newark, but when we got there, we were told otherwise (No we do not go to Newark).
Luckily, I met a group of pple in the same situation and we just tried our luck on PATH to get to some destination where there's possibly a way to get to Newark! So from 3-6pm, I was just frantically searching my way around NYC, finally reaching some station where there could be a way to Newark. 1hr later, no news of any further trains available and everyone was just frantic!! Luckily for me, a family was staying in Ramada Hotel nearby (funnily, they had no idea the hotel was so close by until they called the hotel after like 40mins waiting with us!!) and I followed them back to the hotel and waited for the airport transfer to get to my hotel! All in all, I wasted a good 7hrs of my time doing nth when I could have been laying in bed watching movies!! I only managed to reach hotel at 11pm..
If only I had not wandered to Macy's, I would not have been in such a situation........ Damn it! If i had bought sth in Macy's it would not have been that bad, but I didnt! Why did I go to Macy's?!?!?! It was damn tiring. And it's under such situation that you begin to miss Singapore's efficient transport and communication systems! Of cos we don't have weather conditions to deal with, but I wld think that the govt is efficient to deal with any kinda situation! Passengers would not have been left stranded with little/no information! But then again, it's little things like that that make your life experience more wide! In times like these, u meet pple in same situation who would take their time to help you even though you're just a stranger! The group of pple i met were totally strangers to me and each other, but we stuck together and tried our luck! The family had no obligation to help me, but they did!! Then again, if I had not gone to Macy's nth like this would have happened... Haha it's a vicious cycle.....
And that ends my USA trip... BTW, my flight was further delayed 2days later..How sucky was that! And the airport was in a terrible mess!! Horrible I tell you!!..... Till next time, onto bter things Paris City of Lights...