2007! Ah, it has been a great, fantastic year for me! For the past quarter century (yes, now u know how yound I am!!), I must say 2007 has made the most impact on my life. It's a cliche, but really, it seemed like yesterday when I just celebrated the start of 2007!! Ok, I was too young during the 1st few years of my life to really reflect on what I did. But 2007 was really an important year for me in many aspects. All the ups and downs, happiness and sadness, surprises and developments. All those dramas happening within the year. Eventful year, year of change and new realisation....
Year of happiness, Ah.. Lots of beautiful memories... Best year of my life in travelling!! 2 trips to the US, on short assignments led to my extended tour of LA, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose! Great trip I had, saw some really beautiful sceneries, experienced really cool american culture and met great people! I really loved the place! Then there was my annual backpacking trip, which is by far the most adventurous and biggest scale so far -- 3 weeks to Vietnam and Cambodia with my buddie Ting Mei! It was tough at times and tiring cos of the travelling but the experience we gained is priceless! The beautiful place, the great pple we have met along the way and the rich culture of the places we went to... I love it!! Must say thanks and sorie to Ting Mei for tagging along with my sometimes extreme way of backpacking kekeke...
Then there was the diving trip! I really AM glad that I went for the diving trip to Perhentian in May with Ting Mei. It almost did not happen cos of a previously arranged trip that was cancelled due to some reason (which I shall not explain). But am glad it did cos this trip was really one of the highlights of the year! It made me love diving even more and of cos got to know more great frens! Which I initially DID NOT anticipated. I thought, well just another diving trip like the one in Phuket. But lo and behold! We bonded like old frens! Met really great personalities there like Sebastian (our instructor) and Angie (haha the wild one). And we are still great frens till now! All thanks to them and their crazy antics, it made our short stay there so much fun! Of cos our 2nd trip back there in July was as much fun since we've gotten much closer since!
Then there is the change of job, for the better! Finally after 3.5 years of suffering under the wings of EY, i had enough and changed my job to Internal Audit. Hope for the best in the coming year!
Then there is the end of a wonderful relationship. It was great and happy while it lasted but painful when it ended (I don't show it, but it really did hurt) I was really happy during the period. It really opened me up much more, opened my eyes to the world and brought me out of my hermit state. I got to know more frens and they were great! While it did not last, I was happy that it started. Maybe it's just fate...
Of cos, the passing away of my uncle, who fought with diabetes and pneumonia before finally losing the battle. I am not one who sheds tears easily, but this was one moment when I really did. Looking at his emancipated body and lifeless face, I'm actually glad that he left us, as that meant an end of his endless sufferings. It made me ponder on life. He was such a strong and healthy man, and suddenly just suddenly he was down with diabetes which literally reduced him to someone without life! He was weak and shrivelled down to near bones. It really is heartening to see a man who was once strong and fit, become weak and unable to excert too much strength. Life is so unpredictable. So LIVE LIFE!!!
Of cos, there are many 1st times as well for me!

1st time i got drunk, all thanks to Flaming Lamborghini! That's a drink ok. I really was gone case after that drink. And that happend on my 1st trip to MOS!!! After that 1st time, I got drunk 2 more times, once in Perhentian and once during our EY drinking session. That was all. I hate to be drunk, what a terrible feeling after!
1st time i missed my company's dnd. haha n it just happened to be my last year with EY and I missed it! Damn!!
1st time on business trip, which were the 2 US trips.
Of cos I got lasik!!! A new fantastic development that spelt the end of spectacles and stupid lens! I can see clearly now the sky is blue! I LOVE IT!! Must take care of my eyes now.
This is also a year when I really started to be more adventurous in my dressing. Think I started to be more feminine in my wardrobe haha.
I think I changed quite a bit in 2007. I have become more open and adventurous. My outlook of life has changed a little and I think I've become more outspoken (though I shld improve on that). Maybe it's the short hair that influenced as well! Ever since i got my hair cut, people start to think I'm a wild gal! Which I AM NOT!!! I've become much more independent as well! It's a change for the better i think.
I have also got to know more of my colleagues in EY (now become ex-colleagues). 1st and foremost is Cinderalla Man, whom I found out to be quite as crappy as me!! Of cos some other new colleagues whom I sorta clicked with and can just talk crappy things with! Those are the pple who made my last few wks in EY really really great! Of cos there are those who left long b4 me...
Recently, all thanks to facebook, I have found alot of my old classmates and noticed that alot of pple have changed. One of my JC mate pointed out that he sensed that I have changed since my jc days. And that was only through msn-ing that he pointed that out! C how drastic the change has been since JC days (abt 6yrs ago).
Quarter of a century. Maybe that's the time to mold a person to what he or she will become. Maybe it's the working experience that changes people. World is alwayz changing, and pple will change in response to environment. For better or worse. Nothing is for certain. So we must learn from the past, and forecast for the future.
What do I hope for 2008? Resolutions? I don't believe in them. Cos most of the time they are not fulfilled.
I hope for the best in my new job. I hope for a healthier lifestyle (I will try to go gym more often and try to stop snacking on tidbits). I hope for more money (maybe i shld start to buy 4D and ToTo). I hope for some sparks in my love life. I hope for good health to my loved ones. I hope for WORLD PEACE (not kidding this is damn important)
Also, I hope u guys will continue to read my blog!!!
Happy New Year
Continue in 2008!!