Monday, March 26, 2007
Musical Fountain Finale Video
Oh and the name of the drink which did me in at MOS - Flaming Lamborghini. What a name!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Musical Fountain Swansong in Sentosa
Crowded with people at Musical Fountain
The show starts!
More of the musical fountain
Took a fantastic video of the musical fountain. Shall post tomorrow cos it's taking damn long to load on youtube b4 i can post it here.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Philosophical Ramblings - Blissfulness
So what is blissfulness? How do u define being blissful?
Having a great and stable relationship that makes u bright and happy everyday.
Having a balanced life between family and career.
Having achieved good results for ur studies.
Or just simply being able to enjoy your favourite ice-cream for the day!
Being blissful depends very much on individual. It’s the way of thinking that defines bliss. How you think n how u feel that defines the feeling of bliss. My friend has found bliss because he has learnt to take things easy & let go of the unimportant aspects of life. Holding on to too much can be nerve-wrecking and distorts your life.
Have I found bliss? Nope. I’m not so magnanimous as my friend. I cannot say I’ve found bliss until I’m sure of it. Yes, my family is intact, we’re not living in poverty, I’ve a job with stable income (though crazy hours), I’m surrounded by great friends, I’ve traveled to several places. Some people would say that I should feel blissful because I’m not affected by any natural disasters or catastrophe. But I guess how one defines bliss is dependent on his/her situation and place. Someone in the 3rd world would say it’s a blessing if they get to eat some food, or an intact shelter for the night. For us, do we or should we stop there? That’s why I said earlier, blissful is vague. Blissful is just a term coined by some linguist and how you define it is up there in ur mind.
Yes, I know I’m lucky, but there’s still more to come before I can truly say that I’m blessed. Some people might start throwing eggs at me for blatantly declaring myself not blissful despite all the facts I’ve stated earlier. But I’m not saying that I’m NOT blissful. I’m just saying that I have not attained the feeling of bliss. There’s a subtle difference in the phrasing.
I’m not doing the best job in the world and probably will feel better if I change job.
I’m too much of a hermit (someone who lives in the mountains, meaning someone who has not seen much of the world), that’s why I always get commented that I’m not a Singaporean because I don’t know my own country that well! I should get out n explore my own country but I’m always too lazy to do so, and with no company it’s out of the question (I need to be motivated)
I’m working too hard (sometimes only, though I’m much luckier than a lot of my peers).
I think it’s still too early to confirm that you’ve attained blissfulness because there’s still a long, long way lying ahead of u! It would be too early to judge yourself at this point in time. Maybe 10 years down the road, I might be able to say I’m blissful, but you’ll never know what happens. Life is like a rollercoaster. Ups and downs. Life is also full of cross roads, each intersection bringing you to a different beginning, a different journey, and each choice you make will help mould the outcome. So why judge yourself today? Let nature takes its course! You will never know what you will meet until you make that choice, and even so, there are lots of external influences that will alter the route you choose. so instead of giving yourself a death sentence before u try it out, y not try it out n let it unravel! That’s always my take of life. Sometimes some choices seem obvious to have a predictable ending, but I’m not going to let that stop me from choosing it. Because u never really know. Maybe along the way, some miracles do happen (yes I like to believe in miracles) and ultimately the ending becomes a happy ending! You would have missed out a good one if you chose to reject the choice in the 1st place, and you’ll be left regretting for the rest of ur life. But of course, not all is rosy pink. Sometimes, the choice really turns out to lead to the unhappy ending, but I feel that every route u take is an experience and life-lesson. It might bring u happiness (though short-lived) but at least you’ve had happiness.
It’s better to have lived than to regret. Along the way, you learn to mould your personality and your view of life changes. But of course, it brings along some hurt & sadness, being part & parcel of life. If only life can really be smooth sailing (NEVER!!) then it wouldn’t be called life!
So philosophical. Ha. That was what we talked about. I think my friend is also very philosophical. Crappy lar! Talking about life like we’ve had loads of life experience. Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts. Though it makes a lot of sense, I welcome any comments of objections on my pin-holed view of life.
Sorry for the lengthy and wordy blog though. I thought I should write sth with more depth once in a while to show my blog-worthiness!!
This Sunday going to the Musical Fountain in Sentosa! It is going to close down on 26th March to make way for the IR (Integrated Resort), so hurry up! Head down to see the last few shows before you’ll forever lose the chance to watch any! That's like 2 days later!!
Friday Night Out Pictures
birthday boy, seneraded by the choir (courtesy of the waiters)
After dinner exercise (boxing) b4 MOS. Mind u, our bDay boy drank a full cup of pure Volka! At MOS. Cheers!

Waiting for the surprise drink
This is the drink that did me in. Anyone knows what it's called?
Me, looking cool b4 the drink & b4 i got drunk.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday Night Out
Bday celebration for Diego. 1st stop was dinner at Carnivore (Brazil restaurant) followed by MOS! I'm a MOS virgin. Nvr been to MOS b4. Actually i have not been clubbing much. This is perhaps the 3rd time. 1st was Zouk in Uni yr 1, 2nd was Zouk? or some clubs along Mohd Sultan (can't rem). N MOS is the 3rd time. Not much of a clubber but i njoy pubs for a drink n chat with frens. What did I think of it? It was fun! The music was great, the company was great, e'rything was fun!
Prior to entering MOS, we had the 1st round of drinks. Volka + Orange Juice. Actually it doesnt taste too bad! Like margarita, which I like! Hw much did i drank? Hm not alot, prob juz 1 small glass i think. OUr bday boy drank the rest of the volka purely by itself! That was like more than 2 shots of absolute volka! Imagine the burning sensation!
I particularly like the R&B room and the disco room in MOS. Great music! Had another volka mix in MOS, was still standing after. The bomber was the last drink. Yes, they had said that I would be drunk by the end of the day, but I insisted I would not be. But who knows! The last drink, whatever it was called (I nvr got to find out). Some red colour liquor mixed with dono what, n lit by a flame. Tasted really potent! After that went down my lungs, I declare I was out! 1st few minutes was ok. Then, it started. Wobbly legs & the surrounding seemed a little spinning. I still looked pretty much sober but i knew i was not quite as sober. Hey at least I admit i was wasted! Some pple deny they're drunk when they in fact are! These r the pple who r really really drunk. I know it when I'm a goner. N That moment, i was a goner. But hey, at least I was still able to talk cohesively, walk rather firmly (ok i was wobbly, had to have help from D)
Well but that did not leave a bad scar in my memory. I still njoyed the night, it was still great fun! I had a great time in MOS, dancing to the music. Oh shit, the wild side of me is slowly emerging... Or maybe the quiet side of me has alwz been juz a farce, juz a mask, hiding the real me??? Come on then, MOS, velvet, zouk, dbl, bring it on! I'm all for it!! Next time, I shall not get drunk...Or I hope so
Oh...took a great number of picts but not with me...Wait for him to upload b4 i can get them.. Will post some nice picts once i get them(u will not c any picts of me looking out of plc, i refuse to disclose those, not to say u'll ever c me ugly hahaha)
Oh n i had post MOS injury. Damn it. Swollen left eye & a bump on the left side of my forehead when i woke up the next morning. Damn. Don't even know why n how those injuries got there.
Hurts ok. Now i have got ugly swollen left eye. Nope, no picts to show, of cos i will NOT publish unflattering picts of myself hahahah....Luckily i have my fringe to cover up the uglyness so the bump & the swollen left eye will not show to pple far away..
Watching America's Next TOp Model Cycle 8 (miss cycle 7 cos cannot find online). Damn short hair looks really cool! I have to cut mine soon. May or july??? Hahha... i know, pple r going to say i'm crazy but i don't care. The short hair (boyish cut) with long fringe looks really great. I think i can carry that look.
Till then, next week shall start the bootcamp training.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Entry with No Relevance
Start of the nightmare audit job - SATS situated right at the other far end of the country - Changi Cargo Complex. That depressing place. So remotely disconnected to the rest of the world. Surviving only on the food on offer in the small canteen inside the Complex. Stuck there for 2 whole months, working crazy hours. I shall survive! Blast more music to keep me awake. Good thing is FRUIT JUICE!!! SATS canteen has fantastic Fruit Juices!! Cheap & nice! Friends, feel free to call me anytime of the day especially at night...Yes I need some form of entertainment to keep me awake & entertained cos I'm gg to be damn depressed working in that place. so CALL ME!! or at least ENTERTAIN ME with any form of gossips or news!!!
Realised I stomp my feet whenever I walk. Yes, when i say STOMP, i mean STOMP!! 'Pah Pah Pah' & with heels. I think it is kinda cool & stylo..Don't u think.. Like models strutting down the walkway.. Keke..din realise it until my colleague told me i stomp when I walk.. Can't help it, I like to STOMP. No wunder my shoes get worn out so quickly, especially the heels. But well, i'm a woman, & woman LOVES to collect shoes!!! I have a valid excuse! Yeah
I've been getting great comments on my new haircut! Everyone is saying it looks good on me & very stylish! My colleague told me he always wants to call me 性格女 (aka Miss personality or Miss Stylish) Haa..Cool I like that! My client also commented that I look much better now, more energised & refreshed as compared to days when i had long long hair. Great! Well, that's because I have strong face structure!! Hahaha, i shall stop being so self-obsessed. But it's true that women with strong face structure look great with short hair!
Was watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 7 clips, and noted this particular contestant AJ, who has super short hair! But stylishly short. N I LOVE IT!! I was telling to myself that I want to get that haircut! It's really super short mind u, like boyish cut, with long fringe. So stylish rite! Yes, maybe in July that'l be my next transformation. No, I will NOT go bald.
Watched 300 on Sunday (it's the title of a movie abt Greek war). The only most memorable thing of the whole show - The Spartan warriors' abs!! Yes, ALL of them have well-defined, beautifully carved 8-pacs! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Damn. It's very glaring mind u. No wonder every man in the show does not wear anything except for 'Undies' and a cape. Who would want to hide such great body under the layers of cloth! U know the saying 'If u've got it, flaunt it'! Imagine 300 warriors with those fabulous abs ahhaha...
Oh in case those pple who read my blog do not know, I have quite a long list of links to other pple's blogs (Yes I know, u guys only click on my blog to read my ramblings that's of cos) But I must say Xiaxue's blog is pretty interesting. Click on it n read.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Keane - Somewhere only we know
Somewhere Only We Know
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
So if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Nice song right.. The lyrics are simply beautiful and kinda sad...Falling so in love with this beautiful song
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Locker Discrimination!!
It hasn't been a smooth year for me in 2007... Quite a number of mishaps or should i say unfortunate events have happened to me or ard me (affected me directly & indirectly). Damn, what's wrong with 2007? Isn't this year s'posed to be an above average year for those born in the year of Dog?? I have not felt any form of luck or good fortunate bestowed upon me...Or is it a case of 先苦后甜 (endure the pains of suffering b4 u enjoy the fruits of success)?
1st up, case of discrimination by staff from Tiffany's (as mentioned in my previous blog), of cos not to mention no luck in striking ToTo. Then laptop got virus gota take it down to IT dept for scanning & quarantine. Then, files not reviewed by partner even after telling him it's urgent, ended up kena by client in a not very nice tone. This is just what have happened in the past week (meaning Mon-thur). Almost like 1 each day. Fuck!
Today? Yes discrimination by even the bloody lifeless LOCKER!!! Went swimming after work, happily changed and walked to the electronic locker. E'rything seemed alrite, until when i tried to insert the money to activate it. What happened? Nothing!! Precisely nothing!! U'r s'posed to insert the money, and then u can lock it. But nth happened! Ended up toying with the bloody system for like 10 mins. Even the lifeguards had to come over to figure out the problem. Ended up not being able to use the locker, so I had to just put my belongings on the benches (not v safe) with the lifeguard promising to look after for me (he himself admit that the locker is cocked up).
On my way home, had to walk a big circle cos the front entrance is blocked due to some soccer match. Damn! So damn unlucky!
Mr alvin tan says I look BIG in the pictures. Yes he used the word BIG. What does that mean? Kaoz. Big = ??? Fat say fat! BIG, what the fuck? Damn, must go on diet but super peak is coming next week, no time to exercise more often. HOW HOW HOW?!?! BIG!! I'm BIG!! Damn. Must stop late night snacking on nuts. Must stop eating heaty, fried food. Must force myself to continue to be healthy. MUST MUST MUST. Damn.
Super peak starting next week. Doing SATS (Singapore Airport Terminal Services). Right at the other end of the country - Changi Cargo Complex. At least 1hr travelling time by cab from my home to the place. Always 1st in, last out. Hate it. Bless me luck.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Anyway, it was pouring rain so was rather moody. Decided to stop by other chi-chi shops to browse through the cufflinks & guess what? Damn expensive!! Cufflinks r so small, but they cost a BOMB!! Cartier sells them for at least $800! Faint! But really really nice!
After that price scare, decided to just head for Tiffany (cos I know how much that particular cufflinks cost!).
Walked in, feeling anonymous. No one bothers to come up to attend to me. I don't look high class enough??
Walked towards the cufflinks counter. The guy at the counter was attending to a pair of tourists (mind u, rich tourists) and just happened to finish with them. So there I was standing and looking for at least 5 minutes, and the guy didn't even bothered to ask me what I want or to tell me to wait a while! Am I invisible?!?! Then he just walked off with the tourists. So there I was, left unattended.
10mins passed (or at least it seemed so to me). Then, a foreigner walked in (a.k.a. angmoh as we know in SG). Looking at cufflinks as well. Within a few mins, a lady walked over to our counter & guess what? Despite me being there 1st, she directed her concerns to HIM!!!! I'm invisible again! She didn't even bother to ask if I need help! Irritated, I just interrupted them & told her exactly what I wanted! All it took was like abt 5mins, but I was made to wait for more than 15mins! N u can just sense that the attitude towards me & HIM is different! Ok I'm not rich, but I'm still a customer! I know I only bought a $280 cufflinks but it's still money right.. Mind u, $280 for a pair of cufflinks that's only the size of maybe a 20 cent coin...Expensive Ok. Though it looks quite nice.

Since I bought sth 1st, she had to attend to me, and told HIM to wait while she finish with me. She told him to wait!! HE was informed! Me? That 1st guy didn't even tell me anything and just walked off!! Discrimination!!!!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Here Comes the Bride...N THe Media Frenzy Starts!!

Palace again!! Ok this is the place they (the couple) are going to be staying in during the length of their wedding. The cost of 1 night stay (cheapest) is USD 435 for single occupancy. The couple? Surely they're going for the Maharani Suite which is USD 4K!
"Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace at Jodhpur is one of the largest and grandest private residences in the world. The palace was built by 3000 artisans worked over 14 years. The palace consumed one million square feet of the finest marble. "

Mehrangarh Fort - Another party venue for the wedding. Nice place for a party. On a mountain top.
That's about all...Oh & not to forget those hen parties, preparations, all those celebs guests... Star-studded event of the year! All those money that goes into this. Crazy!! What to do, she's Liz Hurley, with a millionaire hubby. All the money to spend! Anyway, they benefit from all the coverages from magazines (they get paid for those coverages ok) and not to forget gifts & blessings from their equally rich celeb frens. I have to get a celeb fren!!!
A little too lavish i think. But then again, alot of women want their wedding to be grand cos as they say it's a once in a lifetime thing (unless u'r elizabeth taylor). But wedding is the union of 2 parties, not ur whole village! I don't like it when u invite 40 tables and only maybe about 5 tables are people u know. The others are relatives whom u might not have seen in the past few years. I prefer a more intimate affair. Like a small garden party, u know more like those western styles we see on TV & movies! Where the couple takes the 1st dance... Sounds much more romantic!
Or a beach wedding! I like that (cos i'm a beach babe!) Cool & fun concept, not rigid & conventional. E'ryone decked in casual wear or their best party dress & just party all the way! It's so much fun! I don't like hassle.. This is much more intimate & fun! Don't have to wait forever for e'ryone to arrive, e'ryone can party & enjoy the event & more open! Yes, i shall aim to do that if, in the event, I get married. Hmm, maybe i shall psycho my fren to hold a beach party! She has this crazy idea of e'ryone in swimsuits, and swimming out to the centre of the sea for food. Crazy!! but beach party is fun! Especially with Cafe Del Mar at Sentosa think it'll be kinda cool! Of cos, sentosa is the best place in Singapore, we don't have any other nice beaches like overseas (damn!) unless u marry overseas! Of cos, the best is just a simple party in the afternoon, and off to honeymoon! Hahaha... Waiting for my knight in shining armour to sweep me off my feet...
Monday, March 05, 2007
The Allure of The Bad Boy
Anyway, try this quiz on ur afflictions towards bad boys:
1. Infatuation is the best part of a relationship. T
2. Challenge excites me. T
3. I long for excitement in my life. T
4. There’s nothing more exciting than sexual tension. T
5. I eat when I know I shouldn’t.
6. I am addicted to diet drinks.
7. I fall in love quickly. T
8. There is a bad girl side of me. T
9. I have a history of drinking, shopping, or working too much.
10. I crave chocolate.
11. Even in short-term relationships, breakups can devastate me.
12. When a guy really loves me I tend to take it for granted. T
13. I tend to get bored in relationships.
14. I have a negative history with more than one male in my life.
15. I can easily get restless in a relationship.
16. When I meet a nice guy I tend to think of him more as a friend than lover.
17. I am happier when I am falling in love than at any other time. T
18. I have been attracted to two or more unavailable men in my life.
19. I have had an affair.
20. I have had more than one affair.
21. I have had many disappointments with men.
22. Over time, I doubt a man’s love for me.
23. It seems like certain guys cast a spell over me.
24. Bad boys are sexually exciting.
25. I have continued to date a guy my friends have warned me about.
26. Good guys are rare. T
27. Even when I know a guy isn’t good for me, I can’t always resist his charm. T
28. My friends would say I’m attracted to bad boys.
29. I’ve gone back to a relationship against my better judgment.
30. I have continued to date a guy after he has been abusive to me.
Scoring Key
These questions are weighted in terms of severity. The more true answers you have going down the list, the more susceptible you are to bad boys.
Questions 1-10:
True answers in this category are no big deal unless you make a habit of it.
Questions 11-20:
These questions are much more indicative of susceptibility. If you answered true to items 11, 12, or 13, you may be able to get away with it -- but any true answers from 14 to 20 mean you are on the Bad Boy Hit List.
Questions 21-30:
If you answered true to any of these, you cannot date without parental permission, or at least with your closest friends’ permission. You run the risk of overlooking the nice guy right in front of your face.
Now, is opposite the truth? R Guys attracted to Bad Girls?? Any comments on that?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Farewell To The Best Audit Manager!!
Me & Priy
Me & Seow with Martinis & Margaritas in hand
The ladies & The Lucky Man!!
Group Photo of the whole DFS Team (past & present)
Yeah, & gossips filled the room, with us spilling all the dirt on other members on the DFS audit team, who were not present! The new manager who still owes the asst $3, 1 snr who showed affection for similar sex, interrogation on our love lives (as usual this is Priy's favourite topic). We all really had a great facial workout, suffering the pain from over-laughter! He's moving back to Brisbane, well another free accomodation when travelling (if travelling to Aussie). But b4 that, the 2 of us still have our chilli challenge to settle!